Sunday 14 February 2016

The Supreme Court, tied in knots

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court is about to get tied up in knots.

Without the late Justice Antonin Scalia on the bench, the court will muddle through the remainder of its 2015 term — and possibly into the 2016 term starting in October — with eight justices.

Four were appointed by Republican presidents, four by Democratic presidents. And they usually vote that way on divided cases. That raises the specter of frequent 4-4 ties.

What happens then? The high court's ruling is rendered almost meaningless; it leaves the most recent decision intact, usually from a federal appeals court or a top state court. There is no new, national precedent created by the nation's highest court.

That could be the case on some of the court's most important cases this term: Texas' restrictions on abortion clinics could remain intact, as could the same appeals court's decision striking down President Obama's immigration plan. Conversely, a voting rights case from Texas and a public employees union case from California could break the way liberals want.

The situation is far from unprecedented. For one thing, the high court is left with just eight justices when one of them is forced to recuse himself or herself from a case.

Several justices do that on occasion: Elena Kagan was involved in some ongoing cases when she was U.S. solicitor general, including the current case involving racial preferences in university admissions. That case now will be decided with only seven justices, most likely in the same way it would have with Scalia and Kagan participating, had they taken opposite sides.

Stephen Breyer and Samuel Alito have occasional conflicts involving their financial portfolios, and Breyer has a brother on a federal district court in California. Sonia Sotomayor was involved in some of the court's cases as a federal appeals court judge.

And when previous justices have died in office or retired before their successors could be confirmed, the court has gone forward with eight members — sometimes for months when Senate confirmation hearings drag on or a nominee is rejected.

An example: When Justice Lewis Powell retired from the court in June 1987, it took President Ronald Reagan three tries to confirm a nominee, mostly due to the Senate's rejection of Robert Bork. It wasn't until Anthony Kennedy was confirmed in February 1988 that the court returned to having nine justices, a gap of more than seven months.

The last death in office was that of Chief Justice William Rehnquist in September 2005. In that case, the vacancy was extremely brief, because John Roberts had already been nominated to replace Sandra Day O'Connor as an associate justice. Roberts was confirmed as chief justice within weeks.

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